I've finally finished my thesis for my Masters in Music! So now I'm off on a world tour, to make up for all that time cooped up inside my shell. This trip should last 5 months, starting June 14th, ending November 10th. It starts here in Canada, the States, then to Australia, then to South America, and then to Europe to finish off. Will be posting updates every few days.

Monday, January 8, 2007

New Blog!

Hello and thank you for reading this!

This is a new Blog and I hope you'll keep visiting as I put posts on and stuff. Um. Well, I don't really know what to talk about... Well, I've wanted to create a Blog for a while now. Probably ever since I heard about them, haha. I guess I'll have to decide what type of Blog this is, eh? Maybe I'll just put basically the stuff that's happenin'. Alright. Here we go... No wait. I'll have to go back a little won't I? Not too far though, or it might get boring for you.

So Christmas is gone by, and it was great! But, like every year since, like, grade 1, I have to come back to reality: school. Well I was kind of wondering if I should go back to school (homeschool, that is) with a negative attitude, which would be the natural attitude, or a positive one. And though I really don't like school that much right now (because I'd honestly rather do other things), I decided I take option b: a positive attitude towards the coming of school. Because when you think about it, if you constantly tell yourself: "I hate school", you'll probably end up not liking school! And that basically applies to anything. So remember. Stay positive. Anyway, I was pretty excited this morning when I woke up and went upstairs to see snow. I could have an extra day off! SWEET!! I mean, even if I'm positive towards school and all. But, still! SWEET!! Alright. I'm out. I don't know much about Blogs, but I'll soon find out. And if there's anyone who actually reads this I'll be happy.


Marie-Hélène said...

bravo Ben! Nice blog. And you're right about the positive attitude. Continue cher frère!

Unknown said...

Wow! C'est interessant de pouvoir communiquer comme ca! J'espere apprendre a te connaitre un peu plus en te lisant:)

Ben Marmen said...

Hey, Ben. I thought I'd say hi. I see that not many people have visited your Blog and left comments. That's too bad. You know what? You should just quit the Blog thing. Stick with not saying what you do to people that want to know. Anyway, it's too bad that no-one is leaving comments. I personally think it's a sweet Blog (even though there's nothing remarkably good about it). You should put some pictures on it to make it more intersesting. You know what I mean?