I've finally finished my thesis for my Masters in Music! So now I'm off on a world tour, to make up for all that time cooped up inside my shell. This trip should last 5 months, starting June 14th, ending November 10th. It starts here in Canada, the States, then to Australia, then to South America, and then to Europe to finish off. Will be posting updates every few days.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Good Days...

Hi to any readers.

I don't even know why I'm making a post, no-one will read it... Oh well, extra typing.

So, last weekend I had NBYO again (yes that's my life). It was pretty sweet. I bought a new hoody and stuff. By the way, I'M GOING TO CHINA!! It's going to be, sweet... Wow, I say sweet alot. Anyway, so yeah, the weekend was fun. I'm homeschooled. At NBYO we eat a lot. Like, really. We eat as much as we want, basically. Homeschooling's rough. So is hockey. I just went to see a hockey game at RV, and by was it rough. But it was good. The team I was hootin' for won 6-1. The other team was French, I think. At least, some of the parents were.

So... Wow, I say so alot. Anyway. This weekend is going to be really... cool... not sweet. I'll say what I'm doing this weekend. And all you have to do is read it! :o

It'll start out like this: I'll probably go to my basketball game first. Then I'll go to da IFFD, which is (for those of you who are staring at the screen with your head tilted to the point that you can't bring it back anymore and you'll have to go to the hospital and it'll all be my fault) the International Family Fun Day. Sounds cheesy, doesn't it? Well, it does happen to be - quite delicious -. You see... Hmm. I'll just put it straight for all y'all blondes out there. It's basically a place where immigrants come and meet other immigrants and non-inmigrants. And we play games. And we eat good food from aaaall over the world. And we have music from aaaall over the world. It's actually lots of fun. You should come and help out at the next one. Just kidding. You don't need to.

After the IFFD, I'll head on to Downtown SJ. I'll go to my church, and help serv at the HS Cafe. After that, I'll stay for the SLEEPOVER!! And it'll be sweet. Except there's not actually that much sleep.

So, this has to be the biggest post I've ever and will ever do. Dont' worry.

Hey Napolean. Peace out.


-Phil. said...


haha atta boy lil' bro. Man this class is boring. I was like "hm. I'll go check out my blog." read a few comments, then was like "hm. I'll go check out lil' brudder's blog." so I did.


Anonymous said...

Umm....question for you Mr. Ben Marmen. Let's say some long ways down in the future you have kids. Homeschool them, or public school them...you have a choice. What do you do??? I'm in that dilemma currently, and I'd like a homeschooler's opinion. maybe you can do a post on it or something. haha- peace.

Anonymous said...

check it out...I've deleted my old blog and made a new one with a new perspective.
